Regeneration. This tongue twister will rock your mind, if you give us a chance to explain.

We believe aiming for sustainability is good, but not good enough. Sustainability has come to mean 'do less harm, while doing the same'. We believe we need to focus on doing more good, becoming life-centric, and learning from natural intelligence.

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While we need system change to become regenerative, we believe we don't need more solutions. Most solutions are available. But people don't find examples and can't imagine how these solutions will make our lives better.

That's why we are building the largest database of hopeful future visions, tangible examples existing today, and transition language
that reframes the story from losses to gains.

the challenge we face

Founded by

She learned the tricks of the trade in the advertising industry, but 10 years ago she decided to become a PR person for nature instead. Ever since she helped dozens of organizations and governments to accelerate their impact as a creative strategist.

Next to being a strategist at Elders, she is a futures lecturer at Design for Impact and futures researcher at the LABOPro research unit of Luca School of Arts. 

She walks the talk by protecting and restoring biodiversity as co-founder of Habitats Foundation. She is a Sea Women expedition member, board member at Nerdlab, and author of Off-Grid Adventures.

She is terribly excited about funghi. And plankton. Yes, plankton.
He started working as a behavioural strategist for SUE Amsterdam and co-founded the Behavioural Design Academy. Afterwards he founded his own sustainable behaviour change agency, NONO, in which he helped governments, non-profits and companies design strategies to boost sustainable action.

Passing on his knowledge has been a recurring theme, being a coach at the Belgian Advertising School for six years, and co-founding the Sustainability Leadership Program with KU Leuven, in which he is currently a board member.

When not strategizing for world regeneration, he is singing, writing poetry, or biking.
Lien is fascinated by speculative design, creativity and the potential interplay between artificial and natural intelligence.
Jorn is inspired by futures thinking, behavioural sciences, fantasy, and all things brain related needed to build a better world.

Lien de Ruyck


What's in a name

We travel Elders, to the future, to answer the question: how to become good Elders?

 "somewhere else" 


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